SEPTIC SETBACKS North Carolina . Sanitary Sewage System Setbacks Every sanitry sewage treaatment and disposal system shall be located at least the minimum horizontal distance from the following: Any private water supply source, including any well or spring 100 feet; Any public water supply source 100 feet Streams classified as WS-I 100 feet Waters classified as S.A. 100 feet, from mean high water mark Other coastal waters 50 feet, from mean high water mark Any other stream, canal, marsh, or other surface waters 50 feet Any Class I or Class II reservoir 100 feet, from normal pool elevation Any swimming pool 15 feet; Any building foundation 5 feet Any basement 15 feet Any property line 10 feet Any water line 10 feet Top of slope of embankments or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height 15 feet Interceptor drains, foundation drains, and storm water diversions: Upslope 10', Sideslope 15', Downslope 25' - Groundwater lowering ditches and devices 25' Any permanent storm water retention pond 50 feet, from flood pool elevation; Any other lake or pond 50 feet, from normal pool elevation Any other nitrification field (except repair area) 20 feet